European VOD Coalition

European VOD Coalition

63 posts published

The VOD Coalition’s feedback to the Commission’s White Paper on Europe’s digital infrastructure

The VOD Coalition’s feedback to the Commission’s White Paper on Europe’s digital infrastructure

The European VOD Coalition welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the European Commission’s consultation on the White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?” The Coalition brings together video-on-demand and digital entertainment companies that share common values and invest in and distribute audiovisual content in the

Joint Statement on the treatment of Merchant Initiated Transactions under the Payment Services Regulation

Joint Statement on the treatment of Merchant Initiated Transactions under the Payment Services Regulation

Under its new proposal for a Payment Services Regulation (PSR), from 28 June 2023, the European Commission reinforced the refund rights for merchant-initiated transactions (MITs). It does so by extending the unconditional refund right under Article 62(1) that exists for direct debits (DDs) to all MIT transactions. In essence,

Joint statement ahead of the informal meeting of EU Telecommunication Ministers (23-24 October 2023)

Joint statement ahead of the informal meeting of EU Telecommunication Ministers (23-24 October 2023)

Ahead of the discussion on the future of telecommunications at the Informal Telecommunications Council on 23-24 October, the undersigned organisations wish to reaffirm their collective concern about the direction of ongoing discussions in the EU telecoms sector. In particular, we are concerned about any potential follow-up to continued calls by

The VOD Coalition’s reply to the Commission's consultation on 'the future of the electronic communications sector and its infrastructure'

The VOD Coalition’s reply to the Commission's consultation on 'the future of the electronic communications sector and its infrastructure'

The European VOD Coalition welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the European Commission’s exploratory consultation on 'The future of the electronic communications sector and its infrastructure.' As VOD services, we have always supported a well-functioning telecommunications infrastructure and connectivity in Europe. Having sustainable networks is vital

The VOD Coalition disappointed in Commission decision to delay the consideration of binding rules to combat online piracy

The VOD Coalition disappointed in Commission decision to delay the consideration of binding rules to combat online piracy

Members of the European VOD Coalition invest heavily in audiovisual content and distribution to inform and entertain consumers across Europe. However, the increasingly important role that VOD services play within the entertainment industry is threatened by online piracy. We strongly believe that the EU needs a strong legal framework to