Positions Cross-sectoral letter on Know your business customer (KYBC) obligations in the DSA The European VOD Coalition signs a cross-sectoral letter, along with 56 other signatories representing many different industries, calling for the inclusion of KYBC obligations in the upcoming DSA package.
Positions European VOD Coalition position on the Digital Services Act The European VOD Coalition welcomes the opportunity to provide their input to the European Commission's public consultation on the Digital Services Act (DSA).
Positions Reply to ERGA survey on prominence The European VOD Coalition shares its thoughts on the ERGA survey on existing or planned prominence measures in relation to European works in on-demand catalogues.
Positions Joint Film/AV sector statement on COVID-19 The European VOD Coalition signs joint statement with the AV and film sectors ahead of the EU Culture Council on 19 May.
Positions Coalition submission on Art 13(7) AVMS-D The European VOD Coalition's public response to the European Commission's targeted consultation on the method of calculation of the share of European works and the exemptions for low audience and low turnover (Art. 13(7))